Further reading

Billen, J. (ed.) (1992) Biology and Evolution of Social Insects. Leuven University Press, Leuven.

Carpenter, J. (1989) Testing scenarios: wasp social behavior. Cladistics 5, 131–44.

Choe, J.C. & Crespi, B.J. (eds.) (1997) Social Behavior in Insects and Arachnids. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Crozier, R.H. & Pamilo, P. (1996) Evolution of Social Insect Colonies: Sex Allocation and Kin Selection. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Danforth, B.N. (2002) Evolution of sociality in a primitively eusocial lineage of bees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA) 99, 286–90.

de Wilde, J. & Beetsma, J. (1982) The physiology of caste development in social insects. Advances in Insect Physiology 16, 167–246.

Dyer, F.C. (2002) The biology of the dance language. Annual Review of Entomology 47, 917–49.

Fletcher, D.J.C. & Ross, K.G. (1985) Regulation of reproduction in eusocial Hymenoptera. Annual Review of Entomology 30, 319–43.

Hardie, J. & Lees, A.D. (1985) Endocrine control of polymorphism and polyphenism. In: Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology, Vol. 8: Endocrinology II (eds. G.A. Kerkut & L.I. Gilbert), pp. 441–90. Pergamon Press, Oxford.

Hölldobler, B. & Wilson, E.O. (1990) The Ants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Itô, Y. (1989) The evolutionary biology of sterile soldiers in aphids. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 4, 69–73.

Kiester, A.R. & Strates, E. (1984) Social behavior in a thrips from Panama. Journal of Natural History 18, 303–14.

Kranz, B.D., Schwarz, M.P., Morris, D.C. & Crespi, B.J. (2002)

Life history of Kladothrips ellobus and Oncothrips rodwayi: Insight into the origin and loss of soldiers in gall-inducing thrips. Ecological Entomology 27, 49–57.

Lenior, A., D’Ettorre, P., Errard, C. & Hefetz, A. (2001) Chemical ecology and social parasitism in ants. Annual Review of Entomology 46, 573–99.

Quicke, D.L.J. (1997) Parasitic Wasps. Chapman & Hall, London.

Resh, V.H. & Cardé, R.T. (eds.) (2003) Encyclopedia of Insects.

Academic Press, Amsterdam. [Particularly see articles on Apis species; beekeeping; caste; dance language; division of labor in insect societies; Hymenoptera; Isoptera; sociality.]

Retnakaran, A. & Percy, J. (1985) Fertilization and special modes of reproduction. In: Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology, Vol. 1: Embryogenesis and Reproduction (eds. G.A. Kerkut & L.I. Gilbert), pp. 231–93. Pergamon Press, Oxford.

Robinson, G.E. (1992) Regulation of division of labor in insect societies. Annual Review of Entomology 37, 637–65.

Sammataro, D., Gerson, U. & Needham, G. (2000) Parasitic mites of honey bees: life history, implications and impact. Annual Review of Entomology 45, 519–48.

Tallamy, D.W. & Wood, T.K. (1986) Convergence patterns in subsocial insects. Annual Review of Entomology 31, 369–90.

Thorne, B.L. (1997) Evolution of eusociality in termites. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 28, 27–54. Wilson, E.O. (1971) The Insect Societies. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Chapter 12