
Истоки современной биологии
18.07.2017 Истоки современной биологии

Можно было бы предположить, что насекомые, будучи столь многочисленными, играли важную роль в исследованиях, заложивших основы современной биологии

Развитие энтомологии в Северной Америке
17.07.2017 Развитие энтомологии в Северной Америке

Насекомые и близкие к ним беспозвоночные, представляющие собой объект энтомологии, являются удивительной группой животных

Anagrus Fairyflies
16.07.2017 Anagrus Fairyflies

Anagrus species (Mymaridae), among the smallest insects known, are endoparasitoids of eggs of Odonata and Hemiptera

15.07.2017 Amplification

In molecular biology, the production of additional copies of a chromosomal sequence, found as either intrachromosomal or extrachromosomal DNA

14.07.2017 Amoebae

The two best-studied insect amoebae are Malpighamoeba mellificae and Malamoeba locustae

American Tropical Silkworm Moths
13.07.2017 American Tropical Silkworm Moths

American tropical silkworm moths, family Oxytenidae, include 60 species, all Neotropical. Some specialists consider this family a subfamily of Saturniidae

American Swallowtail Moths
12.07.2017 American Swallowtail Moths

American swallowtail moths, family Sematuridae, total 36 Neotropical species, one of which just reaches into the United States, in southern Arizona

American Silkworm Moths
11.07.2017 American Silkworm Moths

American silkworm moths, family Apatelodidae, are exclusively New World, and total 252 species, mostly Neotropical (247 sp.)

American Serpentine Leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess)
10.07.2017 American Serpentine Leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess)

This leafminer has long been found in eastern North America, northern South America, and the Caribbean

American Foulbrood
09.07.2017 American Foulbrood

Historically, this is the most virulent disease of honey bees throughout the world

American Grasshopper, Schistocerca americana (Drury)
08.07.2017 American Grasshopper, Schistocerca americana (Drury)

This grasshopper is found widely in eastern North America, from southern Canada (where it is an occasional invader) south through Mexico to northern South America

American False Tiger Moths
07.07.2017 American False Tiger Moths

American false tiger moths, family Dioptidae, total 507 species, primarily Neotropical (505 sp.); actual fauna likely exceeds 800 species