Further reading
Altieri, M.A. (1991) Classical biological control and social equity. Bulletin of Entomological Research 81, 365–9.
Barbosa, P. (ed.) (1998) Conservation Biological Control. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Beegle, C.C. & Yamamoto, T. (1992) History of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner research and development. Canadian Entomologist 124, 587–616.
Boake, C.R.B., Shelly, T.E. & Kaneshiro, K.Y. (1996) Sexual selection in relation to pest-management strategies. Annual Review of Entomology 41, 211–29.
Bonning, B.C. & Hammock, B.D. (1996) Development of recombinant baculoviruses for insect control. Annual Review of Entomology 41, 191–210.
Brown, J.K., Frohlich, D.R. & Rosell, R.C. (1995) The sweet- potato or silverleaf whiteflies: biotypes of Bemisia tabaci or a species complex? Annual Review of Entomology 40, 511–34.
Caltagirone, L.E. (1981) Landmark examples in classical biological control. Annual Review of Entomology 26, 213–32.
Caltagirone, L.E. & Doutt, R.L. (1989) The history of the vedalia beetle importation to California and its impact on the development of biological control. Annual Review of Entomology 34, 1–16.
Cannon, R.J.C. (1996) Bacillus thuringiensis use in agriculture: a molecular perspective. Biological Reviews 71, 561–636. Cardé, R.T. & Minks, A.K. (1995) Control of moth pests by mating disruption: successes and constraints. Annual Review of Entomology 40, 559–85.
Collins, W.W. & Qualset, C.O. (eds.) (1999) Biodiversity in Agroecosystems. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
DeBach, P. & Rosen, D. (1991) Biological Control by Natural Enemies, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, New York.
Denholm, I. & Rowland, M.W. (1992) Tactics for managing pesticide resistance in arthropods: theory and practice. Annual Review of Entomology 37, 91–112.
Denholm, I., Pickett J.A. & Devonshire, A.L. (eds.) (1999) Insecticide Resistance: From Mechanisms to Management. CABI Publishing, CAB International, Wallingford.
Dent, D. (2000) Insect Pest Management, 2nd edn. CABI Publishing, CAB International, Wallingford.
Dent, D.R. & Walton, M.P. (1997) Methods in Ecological and Agricultural Entomology. CAB International, Wallingford. Ehler, L.E. & Bottrell, D.G. (2000) The illusion of integrated pest management. Issues in Science and Technology 16(3), 61–4.
Flint, M.L. & Dreistadt, S.H. (1998) Natural Enemies Handbook. The Illustrated Guide to Biological Pest Control. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Gerson, U. & Smiley, R.L. (1990) Acarine Biocontrol Agents. Chapman & Hall, London.
Gill, S.S., Cowles, E.A. & Pietrantonio, P.V. (1992) The mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxins. Annual Review of Entomology 37, 615–36.
Hare, J.D. (1990) Ecology and management of the Colorado potato beetle. Annual Review of Entomology 35, 81–100.
Higley, L.G. & Pedigo, L.P. (1993) Economic injury level con- cepts and their use in sustaining environmental quality. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 46, 233–43.
Hill, D.S. (1997) The Economic Importance of Insects. Chapman & Hall, London.
Howarth, F.G. (1991) Environmental impacts of classical biological control. Annual Review of Entomology 36, 485–509.
Howse, P.E., Stevens, I.D.R. & Jones, O.T. (1998) Insect Pheromones and their Use in Pest Management. Chapman & Hall, London.
Jervis, M. & Kidd, N. (eds.) (1996) Insect Natural Enemies: Practical Approaches to their Study and Evaluation. Chapman & Hall, London.
Kennedy, G. & Sutton, T.B. (eds.) (2000) Emerging Technologies for Integrated Pest Management: Concepts, Research, and Implementation. APS Press, St Paul, MN.
Kogan, M. (1998) Integrated pest management: historical perspectives and contemporary developments. Annual Review of Entomology 43, 243–70.
Lacey, L.A., Frutos, R., Kaya, H.K. & Vail, P. (2001) Insect pathogens as biological control agents: do they have a future? Biological Control 21, 230–48.
Landis, D.A., Wratten, S.D. & Gurr, G.M. (2000) Habitat management to conserve natural enemies of arthropod pests in agriculture. Annual Review of Entomology 45, 175–201.
Lockwood, J.A. (1993) Environmental issues involved in bio- logical control of rangeland grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) with exotic agents. Environmental Entomology 22, 503–18.
Louda, S.M., Pemberton, R.W., Johnson, M.T. & Follett, P.A. (2003) Nontarget effects — the Achille’s heel of biological control? Retrospective analyses to reduce risk associated with biocontrol introductions. Annual Review of Entomology 48, 365–96.
Matteson, P.C. (2000) Insect pest management in tropical Asian irrigated rice. Annual Review of Entomology 45, 549–74.
Metcalf, R.L. & Metcalf, R.A. (1992) Destructive and Useful Insects: Their Habits and Control, 5th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Metz, M. (ed.) (2003) Bacillus thuringiensis: A Cornerstone of Modern Agriculture. Haworth Press, Binghamton, NY. Neuenschwander, P. (2001) Biological control of the cassava mealybug in Africa: a review. Biological Control 21, 214–29.
Obrycki, J.J. & Kring, T.J. (1998) Predaceous Coccinellidae in biological control. Annual Review of Entomology 43, 295–321.
Parrella, M.P., Heinz, K.M. & Nunney, L. (1992) Biological control through augmentative releases of natural enemies: a strategy whose time has come. American Entomologist 38, 172–9.
Pedigo, L.P. (2001) Entomology and Pest Management, 4th edn. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle, NJ.
Resh, V.H. & Cardé, R.T. (eds.) (2003) Encyclopedia of Insects. Academic Press, Amsterdam. [See articles on biological control of insect pests; genetically modified plants; insecticide and acaricide resistance; integrated pest management; physical control of insect pests; sterile insect technique.]
Robinson, W. (2004) Urban Entomology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Sands, D.P.A. (1997) The “safety” of biological control agents: assessing their impact on beneficial and other nontarget hosts. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 56, 611–16.
Schmutterer, H. (1990) Properties and potential of natural pesticides from the neem tree, Azadirachta indica. Annual Review of Entomology 35, 271–97.
Sears, M.K., Hellmich, R.L., Stanley-Horn, D.E. et al. (2001) Impact of Bt corn pollen on monarch butterfly populations: a risk assessment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 98, 11937–42.
Settle, W.H., Ariawan, H., Astuti, E.T. et al. (1996) Managing tropical rice pests through conservation of generalist natural enemies and alternative prey. Ecology 77, 1975–88.
Smith, S.M. (1996) Biological control with Trichogramma: advances, successes, and potential of their use. Annual Review of Entomology 41, 375–406.
Tabashnik, B.E. (1994) Evolution of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis. Annual Review of Entomology 39, 47–79.
Thacker, J.R.M. (2002) An Introduction to Arthropod Pest Control. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. van Emden, H.F. & Dabrowski, Z.T. (1994) Biodiversity and habitat modification in pest management. Insect Science and its Applications 15, 605–20.
van Lenteren, J.C., Roskam, M.M. & Timmer, R. (1997) Commercial mass production and pricing of organisms for biological control of pests in Europe. Biological Control 10, 143–9.
Vincent, C., Hallman, G., Panneton, B. & Fleurat-Lessard, F. (2003) Management of agricultural insects with physical control methods. Annual Review of Entomology 48, 261–81.
Walter, G.H. (2003) Insect Pest Management and Ecological Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Waterhouse, D.F. (1998) Biological Control of Insect Pests:
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Weeden, C.R., Shelton, A.M., Li, Y. & Hoffman, M.P. (continuing) Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America.
Williams, D.F. (ed.) (1994) Exotic Ants: Biology, Impact, and Control of Introduced Species. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.