Figures 7.1

A cladogram showing the relationships of four species, A, B, C, and D, and examples of (a) the three monophyletic groups, (b) two of the four possible (ABC, ABD, ACD, BCD) paraphyletic groups, and (c) one of the four possible (AC, AD, BC, an d BD) polyphyletic groups that could be recognized based on this cladogram.
Figures 7.1. A cladogram showing the relationships of four species, A, B, C, and D, and examples of (a) the three monophyletic groups, (b) two of the four possible (ABC, ABD, ACD, BCD) paraphyletic groups, and (c) one of the four possible (AC, AD, BC, an d BD) polyphyletic groups that could be recognized based on this cladogram.
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  Modeled distribution for Austrochlus species (Diptera: Chironomidae) based on presence data.
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  Cladogram of postulated relationships of extant hexapods, based on combined morphological and nucleotide sequence data. Italicized names indicate paraphyletic taxa.