6.2. Aposematic or mechanically protected caterpillars of the same four species of Acronicta: A. alni (top left); A. leporina (top right); A. aceris (bottom left); and A. psi (bottom right); showing the divergent appearance of the larvae compared with their drab adults.
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The cryptic adult moths of four species of Acronicta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): A. alni, the alder moth (top left); A. leporina, the miller (top right); A. aceris, the sycamore (bottom left); and A. psi, the grey dagger (bottom right).
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A blister beetle, Lytta polita (Coleoptera: Meloidae), reflex-bleeding from the knee joints; the hemolymph contains the toxin cantharidin.