Figures 4.4

Tympanal organs of a katydid, Decticus (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae):
Figures 4.4. Tympanal organs of a katydid, Decticus (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae):

(a) transverse section through the fore legs and prothorax to show the acoustic spiracles and tracheae; (b) transverse section through the base of the fore tibia; (c) longitudinal breakaway view of the fore tibia. (After Schwabe 1906; in Michelsen & Larsen 1985)

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  Longitudinal section of a scolopidium, the basic unit of a chordotonal organ.
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  The singing burrow of a mole cricket, Scapteriscus acletus (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae), in which the singing male sits with his head in the bulb and tegmina raised across the throat of the horn.